Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It's ON!!!

I finally found my race!!


So here goes my journey to 13.1. I have 12 weeks and a lot of miles to go, but I am so excited. Below is my training plan that begins this Saturday. I decided to make my long run days on Thursday's because my boys will be in preschool and I'll have three hours to dedicate just to running. That's one of the main reasons I really feel like I can succeed this time! The weather is getting better, I've got some kid-free me time slotted permanently each week and I am ready to go!!

:) KRed

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The start of a new life style!

Tomorrow starts my journey into healthy eating, living and weight loss. I rejoined weight watchers to help me keep a balanced diet and will be starting insanity and running! I am looking forward to feeling better in my own skin and having fun getting there! I will post my measurements and workout plan tomorrow! Ultimate goal-- loose 45 lbs in the next 28 weeks. That's 1.71 lbs a week. Run a 1/2 marathon in November and January. Feel good about myself and make the right decisions when it comes to eating and my health! ~A